28 tenth Avenue Boston, BT 58966


The Best Choice

We Build Future with Education

But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explore.

Meet the Team

Elvis Dushimimana
Human Resources
Will Hutchins
Senior Manager
Jason Wards
Managing Director
Skills We Have

Why Modex Global?



Students Skills

Whether you are seeking to study abroad, prepare for a test, or simply improve your academic skills, we are here to help you reach your full potential. We envision a world where all students have the opportunity to receive a high-quality education, and are committed to helping our clients make their dreams a reality.



Students Skills

At Modex Global, we understand the importance of time and resources in education. That’s why we have developed an efficient system that streamlines all of our services, from enrollment to graduation. With our cutting-edge technology and experienced staff, we are able to provide top-quality education services at a fraction of the time and cost of traditional universities.

The Best Choice

What Our Clients Say


I’m so happy that I found Modex Global Education to help with my study abroad needs. They are wonderful and I highly recommend them to anyone looking for academic guidance, support, help studying for an Visa Interview or language Exam.  If you’re heading off to study abroad, they’re the one to call. They’ll go above and beyond to make your experience a memorable one.


Student at Warsaw University of Business in Poland
Mucyo Tonny

We are extremely impressed with the service and professionalism of their employees in Rwanda offices. Their consultants are very helpful, understanding, and resourceful.   they have helped me to make difficult decisions as it relates to my overseas adventure. They have been great advocates for me and I have been able to leverage their expertise.

Mucyo Tonny

Student at University of economics and Human Sciences Warsaw
Kaneza Danitza

Modex Global Education service and knowledge have been immensely helpful in planning my overseas trip. They took the time to better understand my needs and goals, and helped me make informed decisions. I have worked with other companies in the past, but Modex is definitely a step above the rest. They have great customer service and they have been so helpful in getting our dreams off the ground.

Kaneza Danitza

Student at Niagara College Canada
The Best Choice

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