Pharmacy (POLAND )
4650 Euros

Started on May 2, 2023 5.5 Years

Pharmacy is widely regarded as one of the most prestigious fields of study in Poland, offered only by the best universities. It is considered a demanding but rewarding pursuit. Wherever the health of another person is at stake, the highest standards of education are required. Pharmacy studies at UEHS provide the highest quality of education, ensured by brilliant, experienced, and dedicated lecturers.

By choosing to study pharmacy, you will learn comprehensively about active substances used in medicine and how they interact. By studying you will find answers to questions such as what is the pharmaceutic phase, the pharmacokinetic phase, and the pharmacodynamic phase. You will explore the step by step process of drug manufacturing and discover the difference between lozenges and tablets, wet cough syrup, and dry cough syrup. Moreover, you will learn how to explain pharmaceutical knowledge to patients in a simplified, more accessible way. You will understand metabolic pathways and drugs’ targets
* Before studying, read the contents of the curriculum or consult a doctor or a pharmacist…

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